Aboriginal Rights Research / Discussion Papers, Late 1970s-1980
A Proposed Position Paper on the Hunting and Fishing Rights of Non-Status Indians
A Summary and Review of Research Findings Regarding the Rights and Claims of the Non-Status ...
Aborginal Rights, Origins, Theory, History and Application
Canadian Indigenous People in Relation to the Early Concepts of International Law
Discussion Paper on Aboriginal Rights, Origins, Theory, History and Application
Expropriation in Relation to Aboriginal Land Title
Government Policy Respecting Native People: Its Development and Purpose
Government Policy Respecting Native People: Its Development and Purpose
Nation: What Does it Mean and What Are Its Implications
Non-Status Indians and Aboriginal Rights
Overview of the Relationship between the Metis and Non-Status Indians
Overview: How the Government Dealt with the Indians
Overview: How the Government Dealt with the Metis
Research Findings Regarding the Rights and Claims of the Non-Status Indian Peoples of Saskatchewan
Speculation in Half-Breed Land and Scrip
The Claim to Nationhood of the Metis in the Northwest Outside Manitoba
The Concept of the Supremacy of Parliament and How it Relates to and Affects the Rights of ...
The Extinguishment of Aboriginal Claims, Law and Practice in Canada
The Federal-Indigenous Trust Relationship
The History of the Metis People
The Nationhood Claim of the Metis—The Historical and Empirical Basis of the Claim in 1870
The Nature of Aboriginal Title—Is it Transferrable or Assignable?
The Natutre of Indian Title
The Question of Half-Breed Scrip as an Extinguishment of Aboriginal Title
The Roman Catholic Church and the Metis Nation
Who is an Indian?