Bison Hunting
Bison Hunting
Buffalo Bone Picking
Buffalo Hunt Trail, Rolette County, North Dakota
Buffalo Hunt, 1845 (Buffalo Hunting Trail)
Buffalo Hunt, 1845 (Father Belcourt's Account)
Buffalo Hunt, 1856 (St. Cloud Democrat)
Buffalo Hunt, 1858, Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Territory
Buffalo Hunt, 1860 (November)
Buffalo Hunt, 1860 (September)
Buffalo Hunt, 1860 (Summer)
Buffalo Hunt, 1861 (November)
Buffalo Hunt, 1861 (September)
Buffalo Hunt, 1861 (Summer)
Buffalo Hunt, 1873 (Spring)
Buffalo Hunt, 1875 (September)
Buffalo Hunt, 1879
Buffalo Hunting Trails from Red River: Calf Mountain, Buffalo Head or 'Tete de Boeuf' and Star Mound
Hivernant Métis Families, Brigades and Settlements in the Cypress Hills
Pad Saddle
White Horse Plain Hunters