Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre Métis Photo Collection
This section of the website contains a series of photographs from Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, which largely consists of Métis community members from the collections of the Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre (DLRIC) in Duck Lake, Saskatchewan.
This initiative began with a successful Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant entitled “New Technologies and the Archives of Saskatchewan Métis History: Access and Ethics in a Digital Age” submitted by Michel Hogue (Department of History, Carleton University), Chris Andersen (Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta), and Darren Préfontaine (Gabriel Dumont Institute) in 2016.
Some of the people involved in the development of this initiative, include DLRIC director Céline Perillat, for allowing the project team to scan, digitize, and upload these photographs to this website and for other allowing other DLRIC staff to assist with this project; Michel Hogue, for leading this project and graciously providing detailed descriptors for these images; and Candice Klein, for scanning these photographs. Other people involved in this project include Darren Préfontaine, David Morin, Spenser Thibault, David Parent, and Chris Andersen.
All images in this section belong to the DLRIC and cannot be reproduced. The Gabriel Dumont Institute thanks the DLRIC and in particular, Céline Perillat for graciously allowing the Institute to include this invaluable trove of Métis of history on this website.
J.M. Pozer, E. Brunelle, P. Deroche, A. Lagarce (Back)
J.M. Pozer, E. Brunelle, P. Deroche, A. Lagarce (Front)
Mr. and Mrs. Arcand (Back)
Mr. and Mrs. Arcand (Front)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nolin
Mr. and Mrs. William Boyer (Back)
Mr. and Mrs. William Boyer (Front)
Old Timers of Duck Lake
Old Timers Photos. Mr. and Mrs. Maxime Collins
Old Timers. Wm. Kennedy, Chas. [Laviolette?], Pat Fleury (Back)
Old Timers. Wm. Kennedy, Chas. [Laviolette?], Pat Fleury (Front)
Red River Cart with Two Women (Back)
Red River Cart with Two Women (Front)
Three Brothers. Arcands. Joseph, Labish, François (Back)
Three Brothers. Arcands. Joseph, Labish, François (Front)
92-50-10 Misc. Photos 1 to 10, includes unidentified Duck Lake community members
Album, Gift of N.O. Cote to Charles Fisher, documenting 1900 Saskatchewan Scrip commission and related sites
Duck Lake Museum Opening Collection
Photo Essay of Mary Louise Arcand by Arlene Mason
Reunion photos for students who attended Stobart School between 1901-1930
Shirley Hall Collection - Arcand Family Photos
Shirley Hall Collection - Back to Batoche
Shirley Hall Collection - Magnolia School Photographs
Shirley Hall Collection - Miscellaneous
Shirley Hall Collection - Miscellaneous Photos of Relations
Shirley Hall Collection - Pocha Family Photos
Shirley Hall Collection - Possible Relations
Shirley Hall Collection - Robert Hall & Duck Lake Buildings
Shirley Hall Collection - Slides
Shirley Hall Collection - Unidentified Snapshots
Town and Building