Oral History, Audio Files
Allard, Lionel (01)
Allard, Lionel (02)
Bercier, Lloyd
Boudreau, Amanda (01)
Boudreau, Amanda (02)
Boyer, Etienne (01)
Boyer, Etienne (02)
Boyer, Etienne (03)
Boyer, Etienne (04)
Boyer, Etienne (05)
Boyer, Etienne (06)
Boyer, Eva (01)
Boyer, Eva (02)
Bruce, Edgar (01)
Bruce, Edgar (02)
Bruce, Edgar (03)
Bruce, Edgar (04)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (01)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (02)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (03)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (04)
Buors, Doris (01)
Buors, Doris (02)
Campbell, Amanda (01)
Campbell, Amanda (02)
Carrière, Arthur (01)
Carrière, Arthur (02)
Carrière, Arthur (03)
Carrière, Arthur (04)
Carrière, Edgar (01)
Carrière, Edgar (02)
Chartrand, Alma (01)
Chartrand, Alma (02)
Chartrand, Alma (03)
Chartrand, Alma (04)
Chartrand, Dwayne (01)
Chartrand, Dwayne (02)
Chartrand, Jean (01)
Chartrand, Jean (02)
Chartrand, Mark (01)
Chartrand, Mark (02)
Chartrand, Philip (01)
Chartrand, Philip (02)
Chartrand, Philip (03)
Chartrand, Philip (04)
Chartrand, Roy (01)
Chartrand, Roy (02)
Combot, Mona (01)
Combot, Mona (02)
Coutu, Delores (01)
Coutu, Delores (02)
Coutu, Louis-George (01)
Coutu, Louis-George (02)
Coutu, Louis-George (03)
Coutu, Louis-George (04)
Delaronde, Alex (01)
Delaronde, Alex (02)
Delorme, Irma (01)
Delorme, Irma (02)
DeMontigny, Verna
Desjarlais, Adelaine (01)
Desjarlais, Adelaine (02)
Desjarlais, Eugene (01)
Desjarlais, Eugene (02)
Desjarlais, Eugene (03)
Desjarlais, Eugene (04)
Desnomie, Mary
Ducharme, Louis
Ducharme, Louis
Emond, Julie (01)
Emond, Julie (02)
Fagnan, Maurice
Fayant, Bill
Fiddler, Walter (01)
Fiddler, Walter (02)
Fleury, Alphonse and Riel; Alvin Vermette
Fleury, Charles Alex
Fleury, Lawrence
Fleury, Mary
Fleury, Mary Nora
Fleury, Mervin
Gaudry, Randy (01)
Gaudry, Randy (02)
Gaudry, Randy (03)
Gaudry, Randy (04)
Gaudry, Randy (05)
Gaudry, Randy (06)
Gaudry, Randy (07)
Gaudry, Randy (08)
Gaudry, Robert (01)
Gaudry, Robert (02)
Gaudry, Véronique (01)
Gaudry, Véronique (02)
Gaudry, Véronique (03)
Gaudry, Véronique (04)
Genaille, Victoria (01)
Genaille, Victoria (02)
Genaille, Victoria (03)
Gregory, Louise
Guiboche, Frank (01)
Guiboche, Frank (02)
Harrison, Margaret
Ireland, Terry
Lafontaine, Lillian and Josephine Flamand
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (01)
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (02)
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (03)
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (04)
Lambert, Claude (01)
Lambert, Claude (02)
Lambert, Jay (01)
Lambert, Jay (02)
Lambert, Tom (01)
Lambert, Tom (02)
Lambert, Yves (01)
Lambert, Yves (02)
Landrie, Lenard Ludwig (01)
Landrie, Lenard Ludwig (02)
Landrie, Lenard Ludwig (03)
Lavallée, Émile (01)
Lavallée, Émile (02)
Lavallée, Jérôme (01)
Lavallée, Jérôme (02)
Lavallée, Jérôme (03)
Lavallée, Jérôme (04)
Lavallée, Marcelle (01)
Lavallée, Marcelle (02)
Ledoux, Alexandre Hubert
Leost, Clifford (01)
Leost, Clifford (02)
Leost, Dwayne (01)
Leost, Dwayne (02)
Lucier, Armand
McKay, Alexandre (01)
McKay, Alexandre (02)
McKay, Alexandre (03)
McKay, Alexandre (04)
Michif Music and Songs, St. Laurent, Manitoba (01)
Michif Music and Songs, St. Laurent, Manitoba (02)
Normand, Jean-Louis (01)
Pambrun, Leonard
Paul, Fred and Flavia Larocque - Fiddle and Singing
Paul, Lenese and Linda Laplante
Pelletier, Gilbert and Mary Pelletier (01)
Pelletier, Gilbert and Mary Pelletier (02)
Pelletier, Gilbert and Mary Pelletier (03)
Pelletier, Harvey
Pelletier, Harvey and Verna DeMontigny
Pelletier, Mervin
Pelletier, Paul
Perreault, Christina (01)
Perreault, Christina (02)
Poitras, Roy
Prairie, Berthe (01)
Prairie, Berthe (02)
Prairie, Berthe (03)
Prairie, Berthe (04)
Racette, William (Bill)
Sanderson, Willie (01)
Sanderson, Willie (03)
Sanderson, Willie (04)
St. Pierre, Edwin