Historic Sites
Batoche Cemetery (01)
Batoche Cemetery (02)
Batoche Cemetery (03)
Batoche Cemetery, Church in Background (01)
Batoche Rectory
Batoche – appears in Wpg Sun, May 8, 1888
Batoche’s House at Batoche where Capt. French was shot
Charlie Trottier tells Indian Agent McLoed the story
Father Dubuc standing in old shell hole on Batoche battlefield below village
From Two Months in the Camp of Big Bear
General Middleton’s headquarters at Fort Qu’Appelle, 1885
General Middleton’s headquarters during the Riel Rebellion
Gnr. Phillips grave
Grave marker of Gabriel Dumont
Graves of the Half-Breeds killed in battle
Graves of those Massacred at Frog Lake
Gunner Phillip’s Grave
Humboldt – Telegraph Station
Lateral Trench of Militia forces, Batoche Battlefield
McKinnon House – 712 Dufferin St., Saskatoon - Commandeered for Hospital service during 1885
Métis casualties
Monument “Erected in memory of Indians and Métis who died in the Rebellion of 1885”
Old house west of Duck Lake from which Halfbreeds fought
Old mill at Duck Lake, Batoche? Headquarters of Louis Riel
Rifle Pits thrown up in 1885 following the battle of Cut Knife Hill
Ruins of old storehouse at Warman Ferry
Scene at Fish Creek
Scene of fight at Fish Creek
Scene of fight west of Duck Lake
Scene on west bank of river at Batoche
Soldiers grave, Fish Creek
South Saskatchewan River looking north, south of Batoche
South Saskatchewan River showing Batoche Church, south of Batoche
Where Middleton’s West-bank troops crossed S. Sask. River during Battle of Fish Creek
“Batoche from where Lt. Fitch (French?) was killed”
“Field on which Gen. Middleton camped east of Batoche”
“First sight of Batoche”
“General meeting priests”
“Old House at Fish Creek”
“The usual type of Rifle Pit by the Rebels at Batoche”