Fish Creek
Battlefield of Fish Creek
Fish Creek from west side of Saskatchewan River
Fish Creek Plaque
Graveyard at Fish Creek
Grenadiers relieving the 90th Fish Creek
Limbering up after “Fish Creek”
Scene at Fish Creek
Scene of fight at Fish Creek
Soldiers grave, Fish Creek
The Fish Lake Fight – Rebels under Dumont Firing on Middleton’s Advance
Where Middleton’s West-bank troops crossed S. Sask. River during Battle of Fish Creek
“A Battery supporting the Guns”
“After Fish Creek”
“Boulton’s and French’s Scouts”
“Boulton’s Horse”
“Burying the dead”
“Camp at Fish Creek”
“Church Service”
“Driving the rebels back”
“Firing the first house at Fish Creek”
“First of Fish Creek”
“Fish Creek”
“Front of rebel positions”
“Gun Pit”
“Old House at Fish Creek”
“Rear of rebel position where ponies were killed”
“Rear of Rebel Positions”
“Rear of same where A Battery attempted the rush and lost heavily”
“Rebel scouts captured before Fish Creek”
“Sewing up the Dead”
“Shelter trench exercise”
“Some of our wounded”
“The Attack of the Rebels at Fish Creek”
“The Riel Rebellion – Facsmilies of sketches furnished by the Montreal ‘Star’”
“Wounded leaving for Saskatoon”