Round Prairie, SK
Belanger, Joe and Family
Board of Directors of Saskatoon Métis Society, 1936
Caron Family
Caron Funeral
Caron, A.
Caron, Hilda, and Caron, Rosie
Caron, M.
Caron, Tom and Caron, Shirley
Caron, Tom, and Sansregret, ____
Caron, Zelda, and Husband
Cemetery at Round Prairie
Commemorative Plaque
Dumont Family
Gardipee, Vera
Laframboise, Pete
Laframboise, Philomene and Landry, Moise
Lamabe, Louise, Caron, Zelda, and Fisher, Mary
Landry Family
Lemire, Caroline, and Trottier, John
Montana Relatives
Ouellette, Delphine and Husband
Round Prairie (01)
Round Prairie (02)
Round Prairie (03)
Round Prairie (04)
Tait, Bill, Mosson, Joe, and Caron, Tom
Trotchie Family
Trotchie, Edie (01)
Trotchie, Edie (02)
Trottier Family, Round Prairie, 1920s
Trottier, Isadore, and Trottier, Frank
Trottier, Peter, Trottier, Isadore, and Landry, Charlie