Indigenous Voices
In the golden age of the Métis Nation, circa 1816-1869, the Métis traversed the landscape of present-day Western Canada and the American Great Plains in Red River Carts. In fact, among the First Nations, the Métis were known as “Half-Wagon Men” in the common Plains sign language because of their extensive use of Red River carts for trading and resource gathering purposes. The Red River cart has always been an indelible symbol of Métis culture and nationhood. It is, therefore, a fitting symbol for this section, which pays tribute to the M�tis’ various heritage languages: Michif-Cree, Northwestern Saskatchewan Michif, Michif-French, Cree, Saulteaux and Bunji. This section contains all oral histories, video clips and learning resources in these various Métis heritage languages.
Michif Collection
The Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI) works with Michif speakers to preserve and promote the three Michif languages spoken in Saskatchewan: Michif, Michif-French, and Northern Michif. GDI employs sociological conventions when classifying a Michif language: if a Michif person living in Saskatchewan calls their language “Michif,” than the Institute respects their wishes and calls that language “Michif.” As part of our cultural mandate, most of GDI’s publications include Michif components.
Spoken mainly in southern and central Saskatchewan and Manitoba and ranging into North Dakota (the area in and around the Turtle Mountain Reservation) and some parts of Montana, Michif is considered by linguists to be the true mixed Métis language. It mixes Plains Cree verbs and verb phrases and French nouns and noun phrases along with some Nahkawē (Saulteaux) and English , depending on the locale and family. Michif-French, spoken in various places in all three Prairie Provinces, is a dialect of Canadian French that sometimes employs an Algonquian syntax. Northern Michif, spoken in northwest Saskatchewan, is a dialect of Plains Cree with a tiny number of French loan words.
According to Norman Fleury, Michif language specialist, speaker, and traditional storyteller, “Michif” was the “nationality” (ethnicity) and the languages now known as Michif were Métis versions of “Cree” and “French,” despite their differences with standard Cree or French-Canadian French. The old people referred to the language we now call Michif as the “Cree spoken by the Michif.” Michif-French was referred to as the “French spoken by the Michif.”
Michif-language resources, including dictionaries and children’s books, can obtained through the Gabriel Dumont Institute at
Gabriel Dumont Institute Michif Languages Resource List
The Michif Resource Guide: Lii Michif Niiyanaan, aan Michif biikishwanaan
Michif Resource Kit Guide
Michif Lessons—Rose Moran, 1998
Anskoonamakew lii Shansoon—Andrea Menard
Riel’s Prayer
Ayn Feu Shansoon (Fire Honour Song)
Mahican Kita Oyoo (Wolf Healing Song)
Kookoom La Leun
Ramant lii Riviere
Water Prayer Song
Nipi Nigamoonis
Memmere’s Rubaboo
Sing Like a Fiddle
Nitootimuk (Visiting Song)
Nitootimuk (Leaving Song)
Daan l’offis piikishkwaytaak li Michif - Speak Michif in the Office
01) Taanishi kiiya? - How are you?
02) Ni miyoaan - I'm fine
03) Boon matayn - Good morning
04) Bonn apray mijii - Good afternoon
05) Kaawaapamatin mina - See you later
06) Maarsii - Thank you
07) Maarsii poor toon taan - Thank you for your time
Learn Michif by Listening - Peter Bakker and Norman Fleury
Learn Michif by Listening - 01 - Greetings
Learn Michif by Listening - 02 - Questions 1
Learn Michif by Listening - 03 - More Questions
Learn Michif by Listening - 04 - Weather 1
Learn Michif by Listening - 05 - Weather 2
Learn Michif by Listening - 06 - Meals
Learn Michif by Listening - 07 - Food
Learn Michif by Listening - 08 - In the Kitchen
Learn Michif by Listening - 09 - Michif foodways
Learn Michif by Listening - 10 - Traditional Michif Medicines
Learn Michif by Listening - 11 - Body Parts
Learn Michif by Listening - 12 - Animals
Learn Michif by Listening - 13 - Days of the Week
Learn Michif by Listening - 14 - Culture Words
Learn Michif by Listening - 15 - Commands
Learn Michif by Listening - 16 - Verbs-Actions
Learn Michif by Listening - 17 - Some Verb Forms
Learn Michif by Listening - 18 - More Verb Forms
Learn Michif by Listening - 19 - Verb List
Learn Michif by Listening - 20 - Word List
Learn Michif by Listening - 21 - Enn Kont - A Story
Learn Michif by Listening - 22 - Generic Prayer
Learn Michif by Listening - Guide
Li Michif: The Language of Our Families
Li Michif: Kakee-Payshee-Peekishwaywuk-Oma
Li Michif: The Language of Our Families (Li Michif: Kakee-Payshee-Peekishkwaywuk-Oma)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Booklet)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 1 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 2 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 3 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 4 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 5 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 6 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 7 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 8 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 9 Audio)
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners (Lesson 10 Audio)
Michif Interviews
Fleury, Norman and Pelletier, Gilbert—Michif Storyteller Interviews
Pelletier, Gilbert
Pelletier, Mary
St. Pierre, Marie
Michif Language Banking Interviews, 2008
Bercier, Lloyd
DeMontigny, Verna, and Harvey Pelletier
Ducharme, Louis
Fagnan, Maurice
Fleury, Alphonse and Riel; Alvin Vermette
Fleury, Charles Alex
Fleury, Mary
Fleury, Mary Nora
Fleury, Mervin
Genaille, Victoria
Gregory, Louise
Hudy, Rose
Lafontaine, Lillian and Josephine Flamand
Ledoux, Alexandre Hubert
Pelletier, Gilbert and Mary
Pelletier, Paul
St. Pierre, Edwin
Michif Language Banking Interviews, 2014
DeMontigny, Verna
Desnomie, Mary
Ducharme, Louis
Fayant, Bill
Fleury, Lawrence
Genaille, Victoria (03)
Harrison, Margaret
Ireland, Terry
Ledoux, Hubert (01)
Ledoux, Hubert (02)
Lucier, Armand
Paul, Fred and Flavia Larocque - Fiddle and Singing
Paul, Lenese and Linda Laplante
Pelletier, Harvey
Pelletier, Mervin
Poitras, Roy
Racette, William (Bill)
Michif Language Workshop, Batoche, 2015
Fleury, Norman and Dale McCreery
Fleury, Norman and George Fleury
Fleury, Norman and Lawrence Barkwell
Michif Language Workshop, Back to Batoche, 2015
Michif Reference Resources
Boyer, Hap, Richardson, Rose, and Farrell-Racette, Sherry, Interview (03)
Flamand, Liza Rita
Fleury, Norman
Fleury, Norman (01)
Lavalley, Jim, and Stella, and Maurice Ledoux Interview
Métis Language and Culture
Métis Songs: Visiting Was The Métis Way
Michif and Other Languages of the Canadian Métis
Michif Interview Questions
Michif Interview Questions (English Only)
Michif Language Resources: An Annotated Bibliography, 2009
Michif Language Resources: An Annotated Bibliography, 2017
Michif Speakers Planning Workshop
Northern Michif Interface to this Website, 2004
Pelletier, Jeanne, Longworth, Clementine, and Campbell, Maria, Interview
Taanishi Books - Emergent Readers - Michif Card
The Journal of Indigenous Studies (01) Summer, 1989, Volume 1, Number 2
The Origins of the Michif Language
The Turtle’s Teachings (Michif-Cree)
When the Stories Disappear, Our People Will Disappear: Notes On Language and Contemporary Literature
Yorkton Michif Conference
Zoldy, Grace
New Breed Magazines with Michif Content
The Alfred Reading Series—Come and Read With Us—Michif-Cree
Michif Resource Inventory
Michif Speakers Conferences
Michif Storytellers Workshop, 2008
Michif Storytellers Questions
Michif Storytellers Workshop 2008 - Part 1
Michif Storytellers Workshop 2008 - Part 2
Michif Storytellers Workshop 2008 - Part 3
Michif Storytellers Workshop 2008 - Part 4
Michif Verb Rummy—Heather Souter
Michif-French Interviews—St. Laurent, Manitoba, 1987
Allard, Lionel (01)
Allard, Lionel (02)
Boudreau, Amanda (01)
Boudreau, Amanda (02)
Boyer, Etienne (01)
Boyer, Etienne (02)
Boyer, Etienne (03)
Boyer, Etienne (04)
Boyer, Etienne (05)
Boyer, Etienne (06)
Boyer, Eva (01)
Boyer, Eva (02)
Bruce, Edgar (01)
Bruce, Edgar (02)
Bruce, Edgar (03)
Bruce, Edgar (04)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (01)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (02)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (03)
Bruce, Marie-Ange (04)
Buors, Doris (01)
Buors, Doris (02)
Campbell, Amanda (01)
Campbell, Amanda (02)
Carrière, Arthur (01)
Carrière, Arthur (02)
Carrière, Arthur (03)
Carrière, Arthur (04)
Carrière, Edgar (01)
Carrière, Edgar (02)
Chartrand, Alma (01)
Chartrand, Alma (02)
Chartrand, Alma (03)
Chartrand, Alma (04)
Chartrand, Dwayne (01)
Chartrand, Dwayne (02)
Chartrand, Jean (01)
Chartrand, Jean (02)
Chartrand, Mark (01)
Chartrand, Mark (02)
Chartrand, Philip (01)
Chartrand, Philip (02)
Chartrand, Philip (03)
Chartrand, Philip (04)
Chartrand, Roy (01)
Chartrand, Roy (02)
Combot, Mona (01)
Combot, Mona (02)
Coutu, Delores (01)
Coutu, Delores (02)
Coutu, Louis-George (01)
Coutu, Louis-George (02)
Coutu, Louis-George (03)
Coutu, Louis-George (04)
Delaronde, Alex (01)
Delaronde, Alex (02)
Delorme, Irma (01)
Delorme, Irma (02)
Desjarlais, Adelaine (01)
Desjarlais, Adelaine (02)
Desjarlais, Eugene (01)
Desjarlais, Eugene (02)
Desjarlais, Eugene (03)
Desjarlais, Eugene (04)
Emond, Julie (01)
Emond, Julie (02)
Gaudry, Robert (01)
Gaudry, Robert (02)
Gaudry, Véronique (01)
Gaudry, Véronique (02)
Gaudry, Véronique (03)
Gaudry, Véronique (04)
Guiboche, Frank (01)
Guiboche, Frank (02)
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (01)
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (02)
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (03)
Lambert, Berthe and Dumont, Thérèse (04)
Lambert, Claude (01)
Lambert, Claude (02)
Lambert, Jay (01)
Lambert, Jay (02)
Lambert, Tom (01)
Lambert, Tom (02)
Lambert, Yves (01)
Lambert, Yves (02)
Lavallée, Émile (01)
Lavallée, Émile (02)
Lavallée, Jérôme (01)
Lavallée, Jérôme (02)
Lavallée, Jérôme (04)
Lavallée, Marcelle (01)
Lavallée, Marcelle (02)
Leost, Clifford (01)
Leost, Clifford (02)
Leost, Dwayne (01)
Leost, Dwayne (02)
McKay, Alexandre (01)
McKay, Alexandre (02)
McKay, Alexandre (03)
McKay, Alexandre (04)
Michif Music and Songs, St. Laurent, Manitoba (01)
Michif Music and Songs, St. Laurent, Manitoba (02)
Normand, Jean-Louis (01)
Perreault, Christina (01)
Perreault, Christina (02)
Prairie, Berthe (01)
Prairie, Berthe (02)
Prairie, Berthe (03)
Prairie, Berthe (04)
Sanderson, Willie (01)
Sanderson, Willie (02)
Sanderson, Willie (03)
Sanderson, Willie (04)
Michif-French—Paul Chartrand Stories
Northern Saskatchewan Michif Interviews
Oral History Transcripts—Michif to English
Allery, Alex, Interview
Crescent Lake Interview (01)
Crescent Lake Interview (02)
Crescent Lake Interview (03)
Crescent Lake Interview (04)
Crescent Lake Interview (05)
Crescent Lake Interview (06)
Crescent Lake Interview (07)
Crescent Lake Interview (08)
Daigneault, Daniel
Daigneault, Victoria
Gardiner, Monique
Janvier, Amie
Johnson, Nap
Lavalley, Jim, and Stella, and Maurice Ledoux Interview
Major, Evelyn
McCallum, Gilbert
Misponas, Christine
Morin, Georgina
Morin, Harry
Morin, Leon
Pelletier, Gilbert
Pelletier, Gilbert, and St. Pierre, Edwin
Pelletier, Mervin (01)
Pelletier, Mervin (02)
St. Pierre, Edna and St. Pierre, Edwin
St. Pierre, Edwin
St. Pierre, Edwin, and Pelletier, Gilbert
St. Pierre, Edwin, and St. Pierre, Edna
St. Pierre, Vitaline