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wash the dishes
the clock is ringing
sleep in the little bed
throw out the garbage
Li shyayn sa mayzoon ni waapahtayn.
I see the dog house
wash the dishes
the clock is ringing
sit in the love seat
Waypina la kwashoondrii.
empty the garbage can
put the stereo on the shelf
throw out the garbage
where’s the computer?
Li stereo aashta sur la kornish.
wash the dishes
put the stereo on the shelf
pass the face cloth
where’s the computer?
La laamp ni waapahtayn.
I see the lamp
you’ll drop the face cloth
where’s my pen?
the clock is expensive
Taanday ma pleum?
I see the dog house
throw out the garbage
where’s my pen?
sit in the love seat
Miitshoowuk daan la taab.
they’re eating at the table
sleep in the little bed
sit in the love seat
where’s the computer?
Api daan la shayzh damoor.
the clock is expensive
I hear the clock
where’s my pencil?
sit in the love seat
Taanday li computer?
they’re talking on the phone
where’s the computer?
throw out the garbage
they’re eating at the table
Shaapoopata la saarviyett.
you’ll drop the face cloth
these are three mirrors
wash the dishes
wet the facecloth
Nipaa daan li pchi lii.
the clock is ringing
where’s my pencil?
where’s my pen?
sleep in the little bed
Aen naarlozh shayr.
I hear the clock
sleep in the little bed
the clock is expensive
they’re eating at the table
Laarlozh ni payhtawow.
I see the lamp
I hear the clock
where’s my pencil?
empty the garbage can
Shiihkwoona la kaan di kwashoondrii.
empty the garbage can
sit in the love seat
put the stereo on the shelf
I hear the clock
Ka paatinayn la saarviyett.
I see the lamp
they’re eating at the table
wet the facecloth
you’ll drop the face cloth
Oohiin trwaa miirway.
where’s my pencil?
you’ll drop the face cloth
these are three mirrors
where’s the computer?
Payyishinamowin la saarviyett.
where’s my pencil?
sit in the love seat
the clock is expensive
pass the face cloth
Taanday moon kriyoon?
where’s the computer?
throw out the garbage
they’re eating at the table
where’s my pencil?
Laarlozh shaywew.
the clock is ringing
where’s my pen?
sit in the love seat
you’ll drop the face cloth
Piikishkwaywuk daan la phone.
the clock is ringing
put the stereo on the shelf
they’re talking on the phone
where’s my pencil?
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