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How's the Weather?
Kii piiwun yayr.
I can't go hunting, it's too cold.
It rained this morning
It was drifting yesterday.
It's sort of cold.
Ka kiishinow.
It's going to be cold.
Clouds are coming.
I can't go hunting, it's too cold.
It rained this morning
Aen boon klayr di leun yayr aswayr.
It was drizzling yesterday, but it looks like it will be pouring today.
It's going to be cold.
It looks like it's going to rain.
It was nice bright moonlight last night.
Kii yawun yayr, maaka si koom aen wii shiikipayshtaak.
It was nice bright moonlight last night.
Tomorrow it will be clear/sunny.
It was drizzling yesterday, but it looks like it will be pouring today.
It was foggy this morning.
Ooshaam kiishinow chi doo maachiiyaan.
It's starting to drizzle.
I can't go hunting, it's too cold.
It rained this morning
It's snowing right now.
Nawachiko kiishinow.
It rained this morning
It's sort of cold.
It was nice bright moonlight last night.
It was foggy this morning.
Maachi yawun.
It's starting to drizzle.
It's going to be cold.
It was nice bright moonlight last night.
It's snowing right now.
Litii paassii kii kishchi kishitew.
It's sort of cold.
Last summer it was really hot.
Tomorrow it will be clear/sunny.
It was foggy this morning.
Kii la braamiwun a mataen.
It was foggy this morning.
I can't go hunting, it's too cold.
Last summer it was really hot.
It's starting to drizzle.
Mishpoon ooma la.
It's going to be cold.
It's snowing right now.
It was nice bright moonlight last night.
Clouds are coming.
Maachi yiikwaashkwun.
It rained this morning
It's sort of cold.
Clouds are coming.
It was foggy this morning.
Ka kishchi yootin a mijii.
It was drifting yesterday.
It will be really windy at dinner time.
It looks like it's going to rain.
Tomorrow it will be clear/sunny.
Kii kimoowun a mataen.
It rained this morning
It's going to be cold.
Clouds are coming.
Tomorrow it will be clear/sunny.
Dimaen ka waashayshkwun/dimaen li salay chi waashishoot.
Tomorrow it will be clear/sunny.
It rained this morning
It was foggy this morning.
It was drifting yesterday.
Si koom aen wii kimoowuhk aen shinakwuhk.
I can't go hunting, it's too cold.
It will be really windy at dinner time.
It looks like it's going to rain.
It's going to be cold.
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