Michif Lessons

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Lii Kooleur 2

  1. oohin lii liivr _____________________________[these books are green] (green)

  2. lii zatomobil _____________________________[the vehicles are orange] (orange)

  3. l'oor _____________________________[the bear is black] (black)

  4. tii zhveu _____________________________[your hair is orange] (orange)

  5. lii shyayn _____________________________[the dogs are black] (black)

  6. li laak _____________________________[the lake is blue] (blue)

  7. lii stool _____________________________[the stools are red] (red)

  8. li lyayv _____________________________[the rabbit is white] (white)

  9. lii grenn _____________________________[the berries are purple] (purple)

  10. li baa _____________________________[the sock is green] (green)

  11. la shayzh _____________________________[that chair is orange] (orange)

  12. la paakaan _____________________________[the peanut is brown] (brown)

  13. aniki lii zaariyaanl _____________________________[those moose are brown] (brown)

  14. li zwayzoo _____________________________[the bird is blue] (blue)

  15. lii zaef _____________________________[eggs are white] (white)

  16. ta laang _____________________________[your tongue is pink] (pink)

  17. oohin lii kilot _____________________________[these pants are pink] (pink)

  18. la taab _____________________________[the table is white] (white)

  19. la kooleur di saan _____________________________[the colour of blood is red] (red)

  20. li sooyii _____________________________[the shoe is purple] (purple)

l'oraanzhiyiwuk l'oraanzhyiwun l'oraanzhiwunwa li verriwiw li veryiwunwa li roozhiwun li bruniyiwuk li bleuyiwun li nwayriyiwuk li roozhiyiwuk li brunyiwiw kooleur diroozyiwuk li bleuiwiw li vyaletyiwun li blaanyiwunwa li kooleur dirooziwun li blaanyiwun li nwayriwiw li blaanyiwiw li vyaletiwuk
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