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Colours, Clothing, Buildings
A Meadow Lake neu doo naataawuk li baa nwayr.
I’m going to go look at the curling rink in Regina.
I’m going to get some black socks in Meadow Lake.
Fort Qu'Appelle and Lebret are playing right now.
The judge usually comes from La Ronge.
La poliss a Beauval gii nakinik.
The police stopped me by Beauval.
The judge usually comes from La Ronge.
I left my mitts in Moose Jaw.
I’m going to get some black socks in Meadow Lake.
Daan li gym kii itoohtew.
The judge usually comes from La Ronge.
I went to Cumberland House this morning.
I’m going to go look at the curling rink in Regina.
He/she left to the gym.
A Cumberland House gii itoohtaan a mataen.
I’m going to go look at the curling rink in Regina.
He/she is wearing the red jacket.
I went to Cumberland House this morning.
I’m going to get some black socks in Meadow Lake.
Neu doo kaanawapahtayn li curling rink a Regina.
I left my mitts in Moose Jaw.
He/she left to the gym.
I’m going to go look at the curling rink in Regina.
The police stopped me by Beauval.
Fort Qu'Appelle pi Lebret matawaywuk ooma la.
I bought these pants in Saskatoon.
Fort Qu'Appelle and Lebret are playing right now.
The police stopped me by Beauval.
I left my mitts in Moose Jaw.
Gii atawaan oohin lii kilot a Saskatoon.
I left my mitts in Moose Jaw.
Fort Qu'Appelle and Lebret are playing right now.
I bought these pants in Saskatoon.
I went to Cumberland House this morning.
Gii miitishoonaan daan li restaaraan a Prince Albert.
We ate at a restaurant in Prince Albert.
I’m going to get some black socks in Meadow Lake.
He/she left to the gym.
The judge usually comes from La Ronge.
Mi mitenn a Moose Jaw gii nakatawuk.
I’m going to go look at the curling rink in Regina.
He/she left to the gym.
I left my mitts in Moose Jaw.
The judge usually comes from La Ronge.
Li zheuzh maana a La Ronge otoohtew.
Fort Qu'Appelle and Lebret are playing right now.
I’m going to get some black socks in Meadow Lake.
The police stopped me by Beauval.
The judge usually comes from La Ronge.
Li zhilay roozh kishkum.
Fort Qu'Appelle and Lebret are playing right now.
I’m going to get some black socks in Meadow Lake.
He/she is wearing the red jacket.
I left my mitts in Moose Jaw.
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