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Household Objects 2
Kipaapishkaha la port avik li kaarnaa.
Lock up the house with the padlock.
I came to borrow the axe and saw.
Bring your tools.
The phone is ringing.
La phone shaywew.
Lock up the house with the padlock.
Iron your clothes and put them in the dresser/closet.
I came to borrow the axe and saw.
The phone is ringing.
Shooshkwaha toon bitaen pi aashta daan li biiroo pi daan la klozet.
I came to borrow the axe and saw.
Bring your tools.
The phone is ringing.
Iron your clothes and put them in the dresser/closet.
Aen pay daahtamooyaan la haash pi la syii.
I came to borrow the axe and saw.
Pass the face cloth and turn on the light.
Lock up the house with the padlock.
Bring your tools.
Payishina la saarviyett pi la light aashta.
The phone is ringing.
Lock up the house with the padlock.
I came to borrow the axe and saw.
Pass the face cloth and turn on the light.
Payta tii zoochii.
Bring your tools.
I came to borrow the axe and saw.
Iron your clothes and put them in the dresser/closet.
The phone is ringing.
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