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Michif Quiz 3
Kii paykiiwew yayr aswayr.
Put it in the middle of the table.
Mark has a sore leg.
It's drizzling and cloudy.
She came home last night.
Oohiin lii shayzh nwayriwunwa.
Is it clear now?
Put it in the middle of the table.
These chairs are black.
Mark has a sore leg.
Waashayyow ooma la?
Three dogs are eating outside.
Put it in the middle of the table.
She came home last night.
Is it clear now?
Niishta gii doo nipaan akooz gii aayayshkooshin.
He is going to leave on Tuesday.
She came home last night.
Three dogs are eating outside.
I went to bed too, because I was tired.
Daan li miljeu'd la taab aashta.
He is going to leave on Tuesday.
Do you remember when we set up a camp by the lake?
Put it in the middle of the table.
This shoe is blue and green.
Trwaa shyayn miitshoowuk adahor.
She came home last night.
Do you remember when we set up a camp by the lake?
Put it in the middle of the table.
Three dogs are eating outside.
Kimoowun ooma la?
I went to bed too, because I was tired.
It's drizzling and cloudy.
Do you remember when we set up a camp by the lake?
Is it raining now?
Ooma li sooyii li bleu pi veriwun.
Is it raining now?
Is it clear now?
He is going to leave on Tuesday.
This shoe is blue and green.
Mark wiishakayihtum sa jaamb.
It's drizzling and cloudy.
Put it in the middle of the table.
Mark has a sore leg.
This shoe is blue and green.
Wii shipwaytew morjii.
This shoe is blue and green.
Do you remember when we set up a camp by the lake?
These chairs are black.
He is going to leave on Tuesday.
Kishkishin chiin taanishpi nutr kaan ka ooshtayahk araa li laak?
Do you remember when we set up a camp by the lake?
It's drizzling and cloudy.
Is it raining now?
Is it clear now?
Awunn pi yiikwushkwun.
I went to bed too, because I was tired.
She came home last night.
Is it raining now?
It's drizzling and cloudy.
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