Northern Plains Borders and the People in Between, 1860-1940

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Title: Northern Plains Borders and the People in Between, 1860-1940
Creator: Hagen, Delia Lee
Subject: Borders, Medicine Line, Metis, Montana, Colonization, Military, Removals, Migrations
Description: This document is Delia Lee Hagen's PhD thesis, "Northern Plains Borders and the People in Between, 1860-1940," from the University of California Berkeley.

From her abstract: "Northern Plains Borders and the People in Between is a transnational history of colonialism and mixed, mobile indigenous people in the borderlands of the northern Great Plains from 1860 to 1940. Based on archival documents from Canada and the United States, it focuses on social, spatial, political and legal developments. It demonstrates that when American and Canadian militaries invaded, they relied on and targeted mixed indigenous communities. ..." This document is copyrighted by the author and can only be used for research purposes. Published here with the gracious permission of the author.
Date: 1860-1940
Type: Text Document
Date of Copyright: March 21, 2025
Coverage: Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota
GDI Media Filename: Northern Plains Borders and the People in Between, 1860-1940.pdf

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