Michif Websites
- Getting into Michif: Mushkeg Media
- Learn Michif.com
- Michif Language Lesson #1 - Ma Famii (My Family)
- Michif Language Lesson #2 - Oshtaataak li tii! (Let's Make Tea)
- Michif Language Lesson #3 - Poonataak! (Let's build a fire!)
- Michif Language Lesson #4 - Por chi-kiyokeehk o bor li feu dahor: Minihkweehk li tii eekwa piikishkweehk la famii oschi (Towards Visiting Around the Campfire: Family, Tea and Talk)
- Michif Talking Dictionary/Li liivr di Moo aañ Michif
- Michif—Wikipedia
- Online Southern Michif Course
- Our Elder Stories