Michif Lessons

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_____________________________[Once upon a time] there were _____________________________[two men] out hunting for _____________________________[food]. They couldn't kill anything _____________________________[right away] and they became _____________________________[very hungry]. Then _____________________________[one of them] happened to see a _____________________________[chicken] and shot it with his _____________________________[bow] and _____________________________[arrow].

They built a _____________________________[fire] and _____________________________[cooked] the chicken on a _____________________________[stick]. The _____________________________[man] who had _____________________________[killed] the chicken didn't want to share it with his _____________________________[partner], so they decided to have a _____________________________[contest] to see _____________________________[who] would get the _____________________________[chicken]. They agreed that whoever had the most unusual _____________________________[dream] would get the _____________________________[chicken] all to himself.

When they were ready for _____________________________[bed], _____________________________[one of them] decided to _____________________________[wait] for the _____________________________[other] to _____________________________[sleep]. When he heard him _____________________________[snoring], he got up _____________________________[slowly] so as to not _____________________________[make a noise] and _____________________________[ate] all the chicken.

_____________________________[In the morning] when they got up, the _____________________________[man] who had _____________________________[slept]told his _____________________________[partner] what he had _____________________________[dreamt]. He had dreamt that he was on a _____________________________[stairway] to _____________________________[heaven] and had seen his _____________________________[grandfather] coming to _____________________________[meet] him. When he asked his partner what he had dreamt, his _____________________________[partner] said, "I _____________________________[believe] you because _____________________________[I saw you] on your way up so I thought to _____________________________[myself] - since he won't be down here for _____________________________[awhile], I might as well eat the chicken by myself."

kayaash maana kii pawatum awaana nipayikaashoo enn flaysh pawata la poul nakishkawut la poul la poul li trayn ooshtaa aen bwaa payyek wiiyawow matwayhkwaamiw payyek wiiyawow kii miitshoo mooshoom aen naasaasyii kii nipow deu zomm shaymaak niiya ikoo li skalyii li maanzhii mitooni aen noohtaykatayhk kiishitew payhtaa achiyow aen naasaasyii aen homm aen homm moonayhwew loot li lii aen naasaasyii aen naark dimaen mataen taapwayhta li feu li syel payhtuk nipaa kii wapamitin
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