Pelletier, Gilbert, Fleury, Norman, and Farrell-Racette, Sherry, Interview (02)

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Title: Pelletier, Gilbert, Fleury, Norman, and Farrell-Racette, Sherry, Interview (02)
Creator: Gabriel Dumont Institute
Subject: Transportation, Michif Language, Hunting, Communication, Pelletier, Fleury, Farrell-Racette
Description: Interview with Gilbert Pelletier, Norman Fleury, and Sherry Farrell-Racette in 2003. Gilbert, Norman, and Sherry discuss educational experiences, the Michif language, modes of transportation, hunting, employment, and communication.
Publisher: Gabriel Dumont Institute
Date: 2003
Type: Text Document
Language: English
Date of Copyright: March 9, 2007
Coverage: Qu’Appelle Valley, Yorkton, Saskatchewan
GDI Media Filename: P, F, and FR (02).pdf

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