Morin, Louis and Vital
Title: | Morin, Louis and Vital |
Subject: | Arnault, Lawrence, Morin, Louis, Morin, Vital |
Description: | Louis (left) and Vital Morin, sons of Felix Morin. Louis lived at Turnor Lake, while Vital lived at Île-à-la-Crosse. Photo taken at Palmbere Lake. This image is to be used for research purposes only. The reproduction of this image in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright for this image belongs to Lawrence Arnault, and/or the person(s) in the photograph, and/or their descendants. |
Publisher: | Gabriel Dumont Institute |
Type: | Image |
Date of Copyright: | March 3, 2009 |
Coverage: | Palmbere Lake |
GDI Media Filename: | arnault 124.jpg |
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